• carflexz@carflexz.com

  • (863) 777-0849


At Carflexz LLC, we care about offering services that fulfill your needs, reach the quality you intend, and overall exceed your expectations. With us, you can finally rest assured knowing we’ll take care of your vehicle needs by providing quality insurance services.

When you purchase a new automobile, look for us so that we can provide the additional and full coverage insurance that you need! Ready for quality? Give us a call and work with our experts and professionals only at Carflexz LLC.

Don't go looking anywhere else, when you can trust us to deliver the security and peace you need. There is no other car insurance company that offers what we offer in all of Florida. Trust our helping hand today.

The owner of this company has over 28 yrs of experience as a mechanic, so he knows first hand how expensive repairs can be, you will save thousands of dollars on repairs went you choose his coverage.